Bloggies 2024 Discussion

This year, the Bloggies got me to blog. I think it’ll just be a place to offload ideas I will likely never have the time to pursue but that others may find useful.

I couldn’t find it in the search, but is there a thread that has blog resources? Like, general “So you’re an idiot who wants to blog now?” with how to add an RSS and all that kinda stuff?


I don’t see any either… but I know a blog tutorial link I’d want on there

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An OPML file of all the 2024 finalists. Enjoy.


Awesome! :clap:

I poked at doing this but have never made OPML. I like that this one is straight forward. Helps me grasp the format clearly.

Thank you!! I’ll import this into my feed reader today!

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I had written some code a long time ago to take James Young’s giant list of OSR blogs and turn it into an OPML file, so reused that here. Getting the links was the annoying part.


Thanks for the file! I wasn’t familiar with OPML files until now, but it was straightforward saving the file to my computer and then importing it into Feedly. Feedly even populated a new category with the correct title.

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Final winners revealed! Congratulations to…


@Clayton and the 1 HP Dragon!


Congrats Clayton! Very well deserved! Looking forward to next year and if you are going to make some big changes to the Bloggies format.


I added a lot of these blogs to which also posts updates to Bluesky and Mastodon

Dndblogs also has its own blog list and rss feed