Not to stray from the topic or to rush you, but do you have an estimated time of completion?
Not yet. But I will announce something soon.
I did a couple of these a few weeks ago!
Here’s the progress of one:
And another that I didn’t record my process but did on Procreate (the exported image is a little low res and hard to read, but hopefully the idea comes across)
I also ran into the occasional issue of incongruity. Sometimes I just went with it, but usually I ended up just keeping it loose, defining path types later in the process, and occasionally changing something a bit if I thought it was a better idea. So not strictly following the process 100%, but about 95% compliance with a little bit of interpretation.
This is the preferred approach. I tweak when I need to. I follow my gut!
Oh…! I totally dig this card based map creation! Like. A lot. Then, with constellations that provide some sort of mythological theme… so super cool. And then the watches. Loving it.
Question, on your card labeled weird #6, is it one watch between point 2 and 4? It seems like distance should matter. No?
Watches track time, not distance.
There could be a mountain between 2 and 3, and 4 could be downhill and across a meadow.
This happens all the time - highway vs back roads, for example.
Got it! Thanks. I’m looking forward to see more.