I’m running Keep on the Borderlands as play by post over Discord over the summer. I’m using Maze Rats, and in the converting I’m also trying to put my own spin on the game, making it more mainland Europe in the Middle Ages and trying to go for a more knightly and fairy-tale like quality, rather than the gonzo that OSR tends to become/be. Summertime also means that I’ve got time to blog. So here’s a blogpost on one of the creatures of my Borderland.
Babes stolen from their crib and raised by the Witch Magobia become goblins in my borderlands.
If goblins are stolen babies, what then are hobgoblins? Find out here!
We finally get to meet Magobia herself, after hearing about her so much in other posts.
Keeping this going, trying to think about how to make wolf encounters interesting.
While not a bestiary entry in itself, this encounter table uses some familiar faces from this thread in the entries.
Keeping things going, preparing what I need for my game right now. Giant Killer Bees.
I’m just gonna lump the NPC’s in here as well. That seems to fit. Gonna maybe edit the title of this thread to make it make sense. But hey, here’s the Castellan. Probably the character in the module that is the most decked out in magical gear of everyone present. Converting this to Maze Rats with some of the flavor of my setting took some interpreting. Especially since keeping adding +1 or +2 to everything quickly gets boring and really overpowered in Maze rats. So I made most magical items do something else.
A more boring NPC entry, but all in all already more flavorful and full of angles for interaction and motivation than the original entry in the module.
The first one with an actual backstory, prompted by two keywords I rolled up using the tables in Maze Rats. One was wrinkled, which was apt, but the other was “Tattooed”, and seeing that that was pretty uncommon in the Middle Ages in Central Europe, where our game is set, I got to finding things out on wikipedia. And that kind of created a backstory on its own.
Also, feel free to leave comments either here or on the posts themselves!
This kinda fits here too.
My reskinning of the borderlands took a pretty serious turn as I try to find compelling reasons for certain people to be there in Medieval France. This one is not for everyone and it starts with trigger warnings.
No harm is intended with this post. If at some point I did hurt you, dear reader, please tell me, so I can rectify this.
This is pretty cool. I love the use of the labyrinth as a touchstone. Will you ever put this together into a single document?
Thank you! I’ll probably not publish it, but feel free to use it. I think it’ll stay on the blog. It’s just my own campaign prep. Currently I’m a bit burnt out on this one, and am running some Troika in my pbp group. A lot less serious.