Lets make a thread!
Found this one today. I like world maps that have cosmography kinda built in. Super high quality for printing/photobashing.
Lets make a thread!
Found this one today. I like world maps that have cosmography kinda built in. Super high quality for printing/photobashing.
Real world floor plans rarely “work”, in the sense that gameplay rules and real life rules are rarely aligned. One exception is this map of a maze in Versailles. Nice loops here, nice choke points. Really no notes. You can close off those two top exits if you want a ONE IN ONE OUT dungeon.
Decent sized image below:
I started collecting Medieval / Renaissance / Baroque / Classicist Vedutas of interesting cities. I find them both inspirational and when marked properly, the can serve as maps with Points of Interests. See the two examples from the Czech town of Znojmo.
oh yea! what I love about these is that they fit very well with point crawls for cities. what I do is turn the points of interest into nodes. then give the players this view of the city (i’ll Photoshop in the fantasy bits), as a handout. in game-- its their view of the city from the approach. like, you say, oh, you see a city ahead, and these are the famous neighborhoods and monuments.
then i’ll loosely base the point crawl on that view. I think that nicely simulates visiting a city. like, people know vaguely where to go. but not exactly. like, they know the relative positions of things, but not the exact positions. they have to ask directions, or get kinda lost, etc.