Encounters: Distance, Ambushes, Retreat

Got a post on some encounter rules I’ve been using for a bit now, it’s a simple method for determining starting distance, NPC vs PC awareness and a retreat mechanic. It’s been working well at my table!

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Here’s a method I used to use with most presentations of Basic (and Traveller since it’s just 2d6s and I always had those handy.) It still uses the precision of “feet” or “yards/meters” but that generally translates more into “Zones” for Theatre of the Mind Play at my Tables anyway.

Easy Encounter Distance

Begin with 2d6

  • You can repurpose the sum of the 2d6 rolled to determine Surprise as lower results are Surprise Situations, and therefore Closer.
  • When Surprise occurs, it’s also effectively Group Initiative for that first round.

Multiply sum by 10

Visibility then comes next:

  • Very Good Light/Unobstructed Terrain = Double
  • Dim Light or Infravision in Full Darkness/Normal Terrain = No Change
  • No Light/Very Poor Visibility: Heavy Snow, Fog, Sandstorm) = Halved

Use Setting to determine the measurement used:

  • Dungeons (or Other Indoor Setting) = Feet
  • Wilderness = Yards
  • Fictional Constraints/Maps for Keyed Encounters might influence Maximums

Lowest Possible Result is 10’ or 10 yards: Practically Melee, within Reach (and therefore Melee Range) of Spears/Troll Arms Indoors! Short Range Band for All Thrown/Missile Weapons

Charging is minimum 20 feet/yards

Highest Possible Result is 240’ or 240 yards: Out of range for most Missile Weapons (maybe just barely within Crossbow distance, Sleep and Fireball also max out at 240’, so tactical options are severely limited that first round unless there are other attacks with longer ranges)