In the 3.5e DMG, there was a list of 100 adventure seeds. I remember as a nascent wanna-be GM being blown away by the wild range of stories you could tell in an RPG. But, I don’t think I ever actually built an adventure off of any of them. I’m going to post a new seed every few days, and invite short brainstorms of how you would build them out into an evening’s play.
Here goes:
1.) Thieves steal the crown jewels
I like this one, it immediately asks questions (who are the thieves, who is the monarch, are the jewels merely valuable or perhaps enchanted) and slightly subverts a trope: normally its the players who are doing the robbing.
Version 1: Returning the King’s Greatest Treasure
A gang of disreputable adventurers have slipped into the king’s castle past its secret wards, broken the vault and fled with his treasures. He puts out a vast bounty on the return of the jewels, but only if the leader of the gang is also captured alive – few know that the leader of the gang is in fact the king’s own rebellious daughter! They were seen riding at speed towards the hills and caves of the Black Warrens, where no human can track them down. But it is said no one moves in the Warrens without paying tribute to the High Gourmet and his Ogregarchic Butcher chiefs. Perhaps the PCs cna pick up a lead from him.
Version 2: Lockdown
The decree comes down from the criers that the Queen’s jewels have been stolen and all travel in the land is forbidden until the culprits are found. This is a big problem for a merchant acquaintance of the PCs, whose goods will not survive an indefinite quarantine. He offers the PCs 40% of the profits if they can help, a princely sum. Can the PCs get the merchant’s goods out the city, whether by sewer, cart, boat or royal airship while avoiding being accosted by zealous guards looking out for adventurer types? Of course, who is the merchant’s rendezvous than the very underworld kingpins who have stolen the royal treasures. Will they help the criminals against the sudden royal guard attack, or turn loyalist in the hope of reward?
Version 3: Crown Maketh Kings
The Eternal Emperor has ruled the land for as long as anyone can remember. Not kind, but not excessively cruel, he has kept peace. But now the Whiteglass Crown, the very source of his immortality and mastery of the royal enchantments has been stolen! Whoever owns the crown is de facto monarch, in control of the automata guard, the great magical gates, even the 10-league highways that join the wide nation. But who does own the crown? All the factions of the kingdom are searching for it: the Emperor himself, the ambitious Sable Duke, the autonomist mining guild and even the old Sphinx has been spotted roaming the skies for the first time in decades. Will the PCs throw their hat in the ring? Either for one of the many bidding employers or for themselves? Or will they simply try to protect the people and places they love as the realm descends into civil war and chaos. And anyway, what are the motivations and whereabouts of the mysterious wizard who waltzed into the emperor’s inner sanctum with such ease?