I recently did a write-up on how I have done Play By Post for the past five years or so. Folks here have asked for it, so here it is:
Thanks! I’ll give it a read.
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Interesting read!
I’m wondering if you could elaborate on a bit on rules. My gut tells me that PbB would probably be more successful with lighter set of rules. You already highlighted the usefulness of procedures. So I guess rulesets that are procedure heavy or have a clear loop would work better. Any other recommendations as much have or must avoid in PbB?
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I’ve run PbP with mostly rules-lite systems, though I did play in a Dungeon World PbP game that was just fine. And Cairn 2e has some pretty serious wilderness/dungeon crawl procedures that I really rely on in PbPs and in fact made the game work much better!
Procedures are good, actually.
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