If a pre-schooler can run it... (first TTRPG game run by my kid)

This week I played one of the best sessions of my life. With my 6yo son as a GM. My thoughts about it (e.g. why OSR is the best, heh) were a good enough reason to dust off my Substack account, so - here’s the report:

BTW after publishing, I realized that last three post on this Substach are about playing ttrpgs with kids, so if you’ll like this kind of actual plays - there’s more!


This made my day. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re living the dream! Can’t wait to be able to play with my kids. My girls just turned 4. They’re getting close. Right now, they pretend to be dragons and throw fistfuls of dice when they breathe fire. The color of the dice is the only thing they care about. Fire dragon, ice dragon… Thanks for the read.

Very nice, I hope to be able to play some kid-friendly TTRPGs with my 4yo kiddo soon! :raised_hands:t5: