Converting characters of Hawk the Slayer movie for use with ItDR.
A DCC holiday adventure conversion:
There is already less than a month left before ItDR v2.3 releases, and as a part of preparation for this, here are two new products:
A new v2.3 release for a new year. The highlights of this version is a new Feature — Gunslinger, and improvements to the following: Berserker Feature, core rules, domains, firearms, magic, as well as a new Random Reaction rule. For the full list of additions and improvements, see the changelog.
Additionally, there is a short Q&A compilation of the questions that I’ve received over the year and during the Questionnaire.
One of the larger modules I’ve run during playtesting — “The Spire of Iron and Crystal” by Matthew J. Finch. The conversion is fit for a party of savvy mid-level characters.
A long-overdue instalment of the “Spoils of Art” series. Today we are converting Krull.