My LaTeX package for imitating the typewriter style of old homebrew RPG zines is finally released for public testing.
Make your adventure PDFs more user-friendly with hyperlinks!
I’ve finally published a little game done in LaTeX: Twelve Little Space Marines by Florik
Thank you for the continued inspiration, Vladar, and I hope you keep posting!
Version 0.2 of my LaTeX package for imitating the typewriter style of old homebrew RPG zines has been released.
Stay tuned for next week for the release of a short adventure module showcasing the new Retrotype features!
A short adventure module made using Retrotype and set in Mystara after the events of B10: Night’s Dark Terror in the Hutaaka Valley.
Hidden deep in the mountains of Hutaaka Valley, the ancient temple of Pflarr stood centuries undisturbed. Now, something dark has awakened there. Crawling through its dusty halls the evil force tries to escape outside.
I don’t want to distract from those great examples (which makes me want a ASCII VTT that you can just telnet into!), but if we’re also generally talking about LaTeX for RPG typesetting, I’d like to point to the template by “slithy”, which approximates AD&D-era modules quite closely: GitHub - slithy/rpg_module: rpg-module: a LaTeX class for typesetting RPG adventure modules in the style of D&D modules from the 1980s
Examples at Dragonsfoot:
Edit: Hmm, given the similarities, I guess this is well-known anyway
It’s a great template indeed. I’ve mentioned it in the introductory post of the LaTeX series. It’s more of a replication of the Original and Basic layouts than the Advanced ones.
If you mean similarities of the Egyptian theme in the sample modules, it’s coincidental. I’ve used Abu Simbel temple design as an inspiration.