Like most people, I have a favorite TTRPG. I think the resulting dynamics from the game’s rules are incredible. I think a lot of its ideas are unique in the TTRPG landscape. However, I also think the editing is not great, the game is incredibly bloated, it has a certain complexity but how its presented makes it seem worse. Every day I wished for a light version of this TTRPG. I’ve got a few hacks for its subsystems. I also tend to play in slightly different settings than the game originally suggests.
For a while, I’ve been taking notes, doing some small tests and planning to make a new game. I kinda want to make this derivate game, that is lighter, more tightly edited and offers a much more accessible experience.
I know all creative work is derivative. I also know that game mechanics per say can’t be copyrighted, but their wording, presentation and other elements can be. And even if it was legal, I don’t want to morally feel like I’m stealing someones work.
If I was making another game based off the B/X chassis, I wouldn’t care. Everyone heavily picks from all the other games, it’s a mosaic of games all tightly knit.
The game I want to derive from is a bit unique, I don’t know many hacks of it. There doesn’t seem to be that culture around it. I don’t think it has any license to allow third-parties to create content. It doesn’t feel as welcoming as the OSR and NSR spaces.
Finally, I read hearsay (don’t know if it’s true or not) that the creator might have been a bit abrasive at moments and was protective. I don’t know.
I know yall are not necessarily lawyers. But I thought about asking other designers that they thought.
As I’m progressing in my work, I’m changing some of the absurd terminology that the game has, but there are plenty of other elements where… I don’t think they need changing. They deserve to be taken as they are. I don’t want to just file the numbers off just for the sake of it.