Lesser-Known Gems

I feel like Metzger rarely gets enough attention! I finally bought Dungeon Full or Monsters in hardback recently. Why has no one heard of this?


I’m a fan of Metzger! Great pull. I remember first running into their work through Dungeon World—they always had the most evocative creatures and setups. I’m half tempted to buy one of the POD books, but they’re a little pricier than the average POD (which is deserved, imo).

I’ll have to check out Evil Wizards in a Cave.


I am kinda hung up on the pricing structure. $10 for a PDF with no preview? grrrrr… that’s a lotta trust. and i’ll probably print it out anyway. would be happier paying $20 for a POD and getting it over with… but… no POD. that is my customer complaint to no one today.

Most of his older stuff is not POD (I think one DW adventure is?). I also wish they had previews. I will add that a lot of it is CC-BY-SA as well.

I’m also a big Metzger fan! I love much of the old Dungeon World related stuff, Space Wurm vs. Moonicorn is a deeply weird classic. But more on topic for this thread, though I don’t super care for The Nightmares Underneath as a game, I think its setting and dungeon generation procedures are really top notch, and deeply underappreciated. Combine that with the wilderness generation stuff in Only Monsters Here, for the same setting, and you’ve got a whole campaign, it’s great…


Space Wurm vs. Moonicorn is so so so so good - VERY few rpg books do I read cover to cover. That is one of the few. The “Oneshot” rules/playbooks are fantastic and all you need for a great handful of sessions.


I recently came across Maleficia and I really enjoyed reading it, to the point I felt like reviewing it. It is inspired Cairn, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Cursed and other games.

I especially like the free-flowing magic system, and the way it can take different shapes and is not clearly pinned down. I also enjoyed the rather defined action economy, something I’m usually not into, but here it works and can see it working for some games I’ve run. Very happy to put it out there.

Not unknown but I feel like it should be a bigger thing… the Iron Coral and Fallen Marshes from Into the Odd (Remastered). I feel like a lot more people in the scene should be familiar (and playing) it!

I played 1st edition WFRP and think all of the stuff we played would fit right in at any old school table. I was a player in those games, so I don’t know how much was published materials and how much was the GM’s creation, nor how the published material was presented, though I can say I never felt railroaded in play. That I was a player also means I don’t know what titles the GM may have used.

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A Green and Dead Sea by Snow
—There could be a little better broadcasting interactivity (i.e. “Fungi are growing all over metal in this area and mimicking the items they devour”), but otherwise a great tribute to, and spin on, Nausicaa that holds a fun romp with memorable characters and challenges.

Our Vale of Discontent by Seth Ian
—Such a cool setting and reminder that Solarpunk needn’t be utopian. Great world-building, onomatopoetic naming conventions, and enough intrigue to keep you occupied for a while.

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