Anyone who knows me will groan, but I do think WFRP one-shots can work nicely as OSR adventures. They often have a heavy social component.
Night of Blood and Rough Night at the Three Feathers are two I’ve run, but a friend recently gave me a collection of more from WFRP 2e, and I think a number of them would be good and are not railroady.
Also, the Knave/Cairn adventure Frozen Temple of Glacier Peak really worked well for my group (though I altered some of it). I really like one of its core surprises.
It’s pretty short, but I found it had just enough for a couple sessions. The author wrote up this blurb in a comment that sums it up really well:
It is 26 pages. The whole dungeon is visible in the screenshots, and the village has 7 briefly detailed locations. The book has tools for generating the town and townsfolk as you go.
It probably takes 1-2 sessions to “finish” it.
The dungeon is set up like a real space with a single enemy faction inhabiting it. It has a couple of environmental hazards and some mysterious lore baked into the environment, and a few friendly/neutral NPC interactions.
It’s not unknown, but I’ve rarely seen people praise it. It’s not perfect, but I ran Frozen Temple of Glacier Peak several times and it works really well for my style. I often recommend it.
Seconding rainy city. Adore that setting. Fits into the odd pretty well. I find myself fairly often in that gap between standard fantasy time (medieval / early modern mashup) and 20th century… My mind being in THE LONG 18TH CENTURY and a lil beyond these days.
i loved reading the Rainy CIty zines and find the setting so evocative and rich. It’s full of adventure hooks & factions but I not gotten to the table yet, maybe 2025 is the year.
Because I saw your “Date of Expiration” Yochai, I was reminded that I really like to run Sision Tower, also by Graphite Prime.
Also Ironwood Gorge. Kinda like B2, but interestingly different and way better written.
I feel like I see less and less mention of Trilemma Adventures which is a real shame. Michael’s adventure locations are system neutral and amazingly flavorful. You can find links to the paid and free versions at
I agree that Trilemma isn’t talked about as much as they should be, though I wouldn’t call any of them “lesser known” - Sky-Blind Spire for example is fairly legendary! But you’re right that they aren’t discussed as much these days.