MurkMail (Bloggie Winner!)

Shameless self-promotion… but also an introduction?

Hey, I’m Luke (half of Murkdice) and writer of a blog/newsletter called MurkMail. We just won a Bloggie for Debut Blog (madness).

I write reasonably system/genre agnostic TTRPG stuff, but with a definite NSR leaning. It’s mainly concise tools and ideas that are quick to use in your own games.

Here’s one of our popular articles, on factions, if you’d like a taster.

This community seems very cool, I’m looking forward to hanging out here!


Welcome to the Cauldron forum! I enjoyed your articles on maps. I feel like your blog/newsletter appeared overnight. How long have you been going? It feels like you already have a massive number of subscribers!


We started at the very end of April last year :slight_smile:

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That’s awesome. Congrats on winning debut blog in the Bloggies it was well-deserved.

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I dig your faction framework - simple and clean and easy to keep track of. Gonna bookmark that one for later!
Also, congrats on the Bloggies win!!!

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Thanks! We might have a factions zine in the works that builds on those articles.