Running Unique Settings

How long does this typically take? I recall you saying 45 minutes.

Oh good lord no. 45 minutes is for a standard Dungeon World or Homebrew World sort of setup, like what I do with my recipe for starting adventures.

The process above for Stonetop is a full session… 3-5 hours, depending on number of players you’ve got, their familiarity with the game, how chatty everyone is and how firm a hand the GM keeps on the rudder. I always pitch session 0 as play, but a different sort of play. More like a round of Microscope, y’know?

It’s definitely an investment.


This is definitely a question I’ve run up against a lot running Ultraviolet Grasslands. UVG isn’t entirely without genre, of course, but it’s such a distinct mix of things, and Luka Rejec is so wildly inventive, that it’s difficult to rely on convention and genre expectation when you’re unfolding the setting.

Ultimately (and Rejec is explicit on this point), you have to take the setting as written as a toolbox, or even just a yardstick, for assembling your own UVG-esque setting. But it took me a while to come to grips with that.