I’ve made a set of 6 Troika Character Backgrounds. What do you guys think?
What kind of feedback in particular are you looking for? Where do you think they shine and where do you think they could use some work?
I like them! I’d love to play a Wild Man from the Woods or Intergalactic Junkyard Scrounger.
One bit of advice I can perhaps offer is, I wouldn’t repeat parts of the career title in the description or skills. A Scrounger shouldn’t have a skill called scrounge, I feel, and a Traveling Salesman not be described as “traveling from door to door”. Try to find something else.
A Blob with skills “Absorb” and “Assume Shape” is perfect. Now change the description to “You are a gelatinous mass”, and I for one would enjoy it even more.
In the same vein, I wouldn’t specify “lead pipe for bashing”. It’s a lead pipe, do whatever you want.
Speaking of equipment, I love the pilgrim’s Terraforming starter kit.
The biggest thing is that I haven’t even ever played the game yet, just been listening to some let’s play podcasts and stuff, so I’m not sure if I’m missing stuff. Also, just saying what you like or don’t like about it is pretty fun.
I made a second set. Feel free to give feedback, especially on the Specials and new spell made. Good, bad, doesn’t matter, I tried some fancy stuff I think, but not sure if it works.