Urban fantasy/hidden world?

What are your favorite systems for campaigns set in our modern world, but with some supernatural element to play with?

Eureka is a WIP that’s crossed my path recently, with a lot of interesting ideas to work with a close attention to resource expenditure.

Most of the major works of Jenna Moran can be played this way, but Glitch in particular is likely to stay “grounded” enough for the hidden world aspect to work.

I’m so familiar with nWoD (with some combat hacked in from Cold & Dark) I just stick with it. I do own Esoteric Enterprises and Unknown Armies, which both seem great, but everyone I’ve played games with for a long time knows the nWoD rules by heart so it’s just easier to hit the ground running with a campaign.

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Nightcrawlers looks very fun. If I ever wanted to run an OSR-ish Urban Fantasy, I’d probably use this.

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I LOVE Urban Shadows, and for a big campaign probably my go to, but there are lots of other great ones.

For a more OSR/NSR take Dark Streets and Darker Secrets.

If you want something more specific, I really dig Moonlight on Roseville Beach which uses Otherkind Dice for games about folks in a queer vacation town dealing with supernatural problems. Its very cool.

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