2025 Hype Thread

What new releases are you looking forward to in 2025?

I’m waiting on the full release of Eldritch Automata and Hellpiercers, the Kickstarter for Crucible of Aether, hopefully some new playtests for Icon, and hey maybe more word of Nobilis 4e will come this year.

I’ve never heard of any of those. I feel out of the loop!

I’m forever looking forward to finally getting Dolmenwood in the physical. Call me crazy, because this is neither OSR nor indie, but kind of want to take a look at Draw Steel when it’s out. Jesse Ross (of Trophy fame) has also occasionally been posting B/X things and cryptically hinting at a new related project. And though it might not actually release this year, the new official Death in Space adventure is an exciting prospect.


White Box Cyclopedia. The kickstarter just launched today, and it’s got all the White Box goodness anyone could ever want.


I’m really looking forward to the Liminal Horror Deluxe Edition and to all the submissions for the Horror of the Americas Jam.


What’s the pitch for Liminal Horror? Seen the name, don’t know the details

It’s a modern horror game with Cairn / Into the Odd style rules. It’s less Lovecraftian and more survival horror, leaning into the idea that OSR style play can already be pretty frightening when you’re somewhere unfamiliar and out of resources.

The rules are available for free and I think are worth giving a look.


It’s a rules lite modern horror game based on Cairn. There are some pretty great modules out for it that touch on familiar horror/cosmic strangeness tropes. It’s cool.


I’m eager for the Cairn boxed set to arrive, of course.

My solo weird west game Tarnation is also getting a print run (same publisher), so I’m super hyped for that to drop.

I’m looking forward to seeing the finished version of Felix Isaacs’ current WIP, PICO.

Hopefully this is the year that Dagger Isles hits.

Phantasy Star TTRPG. I don’t even care if its good—I’m buying it for my inner child.

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probably should have posted this before the campaign ended like a few hours ago, but I backed this at the very last minute. I LOVE THE ART SO MUCH.

I hesitated for a while because I wasn’t sure how USEFUL it would be but, at the last moment, I gave it the old FUCK IT, buy it cause its pretty. also, taught me that justifying text is a good way to look olde thyme.



Same! I’m planning to run LH for my local TTRPG club this year. I have not run it at all yet so I’m still reading through some modules and watching actual plays to get a feel. I’m also going to be playing in someone’s LH game during NSR Camp in a couple weeks to get a feel for it.

aaaaand Crucible of Aether is freshly funded!

I’m super hyped about Liminal Horror Deluxe, and Solo Borg from The Soloist!!!