Introduce Yourself!

Hi everyone, I’m James! Yochai sent me here from Between Two Cairns.

I am an audio professional during the days, and like to run Vaults of Varn and Knave as play by post.

Excited to engage with some good old fashioned forum posts.


Hi all, I’m Luke, publishing games and adventures as Cats Have No Lord and occasionally blogging as well.

I’ve been running and playing games for about 7 years consistently, starting with Pathfinder 1e, several years of D&D 5E, and now bouncing around between lots of games with a one-shots group, but focusing on OSR-tinged (NSR? POSR?) stuff in my writing.


Nice to meet you all! I’m Henrik, a Danish designer with mostly experience writing small larps (chamber larps?), But with a lot of inspiration from the Indie scene.

I have played and run roleplaying games for 16 or so years by now (more than half of my life). My first was Earthdawn, but it expanded to Fastaval games, Indie games (Apocalypse World is still my favourite game), and lately some OSR stuff.

My style of running and writing is weird, often surreal, and occasionally comedic.



I am Kevin Kenealy (Luckstrider), daytime high school science teacher, all the time RPG enthusiast. I’ve found most social media to be…terrible…so I wanted to find a new place for RPG news and discussion.

It’s been a few years since I used discourse so I hope it is like a bike and I can figure this out again.


Hi, I’m Jay from Prague, and i like trying, analyzing and writing rpgs. I don’t have anything published, but i do organize designer jams in our czech community. I would be especially interested in hearing from like-minded people in other local scenes – i believe there’s a lot going on that doesn’t get translated into our lingua franca.


Hi! Call me Big Moon (it’s a pun based on my nickname). I’ve been playing RPGs on and off for the last five years and lately the design bug bit me. Hoping to make friends and have cool conversations!


Hello everyone,
I’m Carl D., coming here on Yochai’s suggestion via Between Two Cairns. I admit to mostly being a lurker at this point as I glean good ideas from the rest of you on the discord (and now here)…perhaps that will change.
I got started with TTRPGs in college during the D&D 3e/early d20 era. After school I fell off the playing wagon and sustained my hobby by reading and collecting. In the last year or so I’ve finally returned to the table and I think found my place in the OSR/NSR play style, community, movement or whatever it is. It’s good, I like it.
Current favorite games are TBH, Cairn, ItO/EB and their various hacks and spin-offs. Messing around with writing a TBH 2e/DCC mashup/house rules/hack thing for my home games that I hope to share once it’s playtested a bit.
Anyway, very much appreciate the kind and welcoming community here and the Cauldron and Cairn discords. Hope to get to know you all a bit better in future and gleaning your ideas :slight_smile:


Hey everyone, I’m excited to be connecting with a great group of people in such a cool hobby! I played a bit as a kid during the 1-2e era, mostly watching adults play and then eventually getting the 3rd ed books (well, a close friend had them) played a bit in whatever hilarious style we could manage. I was a big fan of the Bioware CRPG games as well. Big hiatus, tried 4th edition for a while with our gamer group and had fun. Moved away and lived life on a down to earth largely non digital trajectory. I only was reintroduced to the hobby late last year after looking for more connection with others and creativity, I’ve been having a blast.

Currently playing OSE Advanced in a Hommlet/Temple group as well as a Mothership group that’s super rad. I’m stoked on all the creativity and possibilities in the hobby!

I’m located in Western Canada and am working on a small webstore to help others get some of these products that can be a bit of a pain to import these days. I hope to connect with like minded people, play some games and make some friends! I’m also enjoying working on some creative projects writing adventures and whatever else I can get into.


Hi all,

I’m Peter and I currently reside in Toronto. I found my way here from the mention on Between Two Cairns as well.

I’ve been part of the hobby since the early 80s with about a ten year break during the edition wars.

Currently run a Hyperborea game for friends and play in a rotating bunch of games (Mothership, PF2, Red Markets, Weird Frontiers, BoL) weekly with another friend group.

I’ve had the collector bug for a long time and have really been enjoying delving into NSR and OSR- adjacent releases as of late.



I’m Jon, a designer currently residing in Tennessee. Just as many here have already stated, I wound up here thanks to Between Two Cairns.

Currently, I’m working on a massive western hexcrawl in the vein of Wolves Upon the Coast, called Ghosts of the Sierra Verde.


I’m Ivan (he/him) and I’m in Ireland.
I played bits of becmi d&d, wfrp 1e, many gamebooks etc. in my youth.
I tentatively came back to rpgs, mostly in a nostalgic way, about 10 years ago and then became excited by new stuff via the Gauntlet. I think my current taste in rpgs is pretty influenced by Fear of a Black Dragon podcast.
I’m happy to be playing more games in the last couple of years than at any other time in my life.
Have found myself drifting through various online spaces over the years and I’m looking forward to checking this place out!
I also play some videogames (mostly Caves of Qud) and lots of music.


Hey Spezbaby, I’m interested to know where you got the Hyperborea books if you have them? North Wind was the only seller I spoke with who will only deal with brick and mortar FLGS when it comes to wholesale but I can’t find any in Canada carrying them so thought I’d ask. Have a good one!

Not sure this is the best place for your this, but I got them through the KSer.

Pretty sure I used my US addressed reshipper.

I have not seen a retailer that carries them here. I imagine the cost would be prohibitive…

Gotcha, you are probably right but I couldn’t figure out how to DM.

Hit me up elsewhere. I’m spezbaby on Twitter, Discord and Dice.Camp.

I am happy to chat about it

Hi, I’m Chris.
I started role playing in 1978. I played intensely, daily in the early- to mid-80s, then nothing for more than 25 years. I got back into role playing about seven years ago. I play rules light games, single sheet games. Thirty-six pages is really my limit. I have hacked a few games in my time. And I am working on a dieselpunk design called Diesels and Demons. I am interested in FKR. I also like story games, and board games with story elements, and I like PbF games.

I’m a language and communication professional: ESL teacher, English language editor, translator, terminologist, and researcher.

It’s nice to be here.


ps. A long time ago, I also used to be a miniatures war gamer.


Hi! Spencer aka Free Thrall here (he/him)

I joined a while back, never introduced myself and forgot all about it. Yeah, I’m that guy!

I have a podcast called Keep Off The Borderlands where I pretend to know what I’m talking about.
I have a Substack called The Stochasium where I pretend to know what I’m writing about.
I have an page where I pretend to make stuff.
I’m on Discord and pretend I’m keeping up with what’s going on.
I’m on Twitter and pretend that’s still ok.
I’m kinda housebound so play online and pretend I’m at a table.
What can I say? I like pretending.

It’s great to be here (:point_left: not pretending).



I’m Wilhelm, and a serial refugee from shut down RPG forums. StoryGames, Google+ and most recently The Gauntlet, I came here after a recommendation on The Gauntlet forum.

I’ve been playing since the 80’s, designing games since the 00’s and podcasting since the 10’s.

I publish my games on Wilhelm’s Games, but it has been a couple of years since I last released anything.

You can find the podcast Nordnordost in all the usual places. Some episodes are in English, most are in Swedish, and while there’s a couple of actual play episodes in there most are discussions about RPGs and play advice. Last month I released the 100th episode, it has outlasted my expectations by far. :slight_smile:

Play-wise I have come to appreciate the comfort of playing online. It has been years I sat down at a table for an in person session, even if we meet occasionally to play board games.

I used to publish the Swedish OSR fanzine Hydra but found that the most enjoyable aspect of that was to design the covers. Which is probably why my ‘game design’ these days is limited to making mockup covers for games I’d like to make some day. :smiley:

(Also, shout out to @FreeThrall, I listen to every episode of your podcast!)


Another Swedish survivor from Story Games and Google+ (still sad that G+ sank), and now Gauntlet.

Have been playing since the 80s, where I’ve been seen touring around on conventions, co-arranging tabletop roleplaying games and some times even the Indie Room in Sweden. Published my first game 2009 (a swashbuckling game) and continued releasing a couple of pdf games ever since. Two of my upcoming games are InHuman - a slimmed hack of InSpectres - and This is Pulp - a fast-paced 90 min game that is focused on adventurous storytelling where the game challenge the participants’ creativity. I focus heavily on game processes and game components in order to make minimal games that are easy to grasp.

Have played 200+ games, where I tried all sorts of play styles, and read perhaps three times as many games. Been involved in 10+ game releases where the latest is doing the graphic design for Ron Edwards’ Circle of Hands. For the last decade, I formulated a theory of engagement, on top of all the game theory I devoured. Mostly play to test new stuff.

Currently play(test)ing in the Gemini world, with a new version of my 2009 published game, where only one player have a character sheet (a group sheet) in an effort of challenging the typical roles in a traditional roleplaying game.



I go by Uncle Vova on the lines (from Kin-Dza-Dza!, not current political leadership) and I make and play games.

My big hairy ambitious project is Pilcrow - a framework to help in converting fiction to playable settings.
Nearish future adaptations are Crime and Punishment and One Thousand and One Nights.
So far I have released:

  • Cozy Catastrophes - A 24xx homage to John Wyndham’s novels (with a triffid adventure)
  • tulgey - A Cairn adventure/setting based on Alice in Wonderland (1/4 done, more on the way)

I am posting stuff at and am happy to be with all the great people here.