Introduce Yourself!

Hi! I’m Sam. I work as a game designer and creative director in the video games industry. I’m definitely a jack of all trades; I do programming, visual arts, music, writing, and most importantly design.

I’m a a big TTRPG enthusiast and after many years of putting it aside, I’ve decided that 2023 is when I’ll publish something of my own. I’ve began putting time aside for it.

Seeing the work of others is something that keeps me motivated. So I look forward to pull and push ideas with everyone!


Hello! I’m Alejandro (he/him), I’m autistic, which gets me into trouble more often than not. But, really, I’m a nice guy that’s trying to find his place somewhere between OSR aesthetics and Storygame sensibilities. What does that mean? I have no idea. But, it’s a starting point.

I love PbtA, I’m intrigued by FitD, but I want those to fit into more of a World of X style framework. I love the Symboroum form factor. So, as you can see, I’m trying to figure my shit out.

Let’s be friends!



I’m Michael Truran (he/they). I make tabletop games as Bad Quail Games.

My first experience with OSR type games was playing in a two year DCC campaign that ran from roughly ~2016 to 2018ish, and some ideas within the space have certainly influenced me, but I’ve really only started designing stuff I’d call OSR/NSR/ASR within the last year or so.

Happy to be here!


What is ASR?

(So many acronyms! :wink:

It stands for After School Revolution/Revival/Renaissance. It’s a term used by a few authors, Chris Bissette and Noora Rose off the top of my head, to refer to post-G+ old school games. It is, I think, largely interchangeable with NSR.

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Hello, I’m Jason (he/him) and I am just getting back into RPGs after years (decades?) away. I’ve just started running Mausritter for a friend who has never played a game before.

I am not good at online communities. I tend to be a lurker. I’m trying to change that.


Hey all! I’m Nate (nasterisk, he/him) and I’ve been in the hobby now for a little over 7 years. Started with 5E, got entranced with OSR, now find myself as some weird classic / OSR / neo-trad mutt. Basically I like rulings, I like emotional roleplay, I like megadungeons, and I like domain play.

I like other things too, just those the most. :smile:


Hello folks - I am new to RPGs and this community seems like a good fit for me. I am looking forward to being here.


Hi @14Greg! Welcome to the hobby! How did you get into roleplaying?

Hi, I’m Isa (she/her). I’ve been away from TTRPGs since the Before Times pre-pandemic. I’m a long-time fan, especially of Indie games.


Hi! I’m Lee, I stream tabletop RPGs on DieselShot and design games like ChangedStars and the Akroydiesel Age RPG. I always enjoy a good chat about game design theory ^w^


Howdy! I’m Mitchell (he/him, rural Kentucky) and I like running and thinking about RPGs (especially NSR games). I have published a couple very small games and have a few longer zine-sized games in the works (although I’m much better at starting these projects than finishing them). I do have a blog that I forget to use; most of the things I’d post about just end up living in my notes app. I think that’s about it, hope everyone is having a good day.


Hello! :wave:

My name’s Wormod, he/him.

I’m a GM by nature, art student, and game design enthusiast all. This spring has been a bit of a journey into design for me. I care about making and discussing TTRPGs of all kinds. I’m looking forward to meeting cool people and hopefully making cool stuff!



My name is Rainer (he/him)

I’m a cartoonist, ttrpg enthusiast, and I am starting work on a megadungeon!

Been into ttrpgs for about 8 years now, really digging the osr/nsr scene because of the cool creativity going on in it!


Hi, I’m Bendo (he/him)

I’m a french DM who is a programmer by day and a mad scientist by night. I love systems and little bits to tinker and play around with. So I’m really digging the osr/nsr stuff.
I’d love to see what home rule and mechanics people are making up and share some of mine with you.

See you later alligator !


Hello everyone, my name is Teuta (he/him), and I’m interested in the DIY aspect of tabletop RPGs. I like designing my own games but have not gotten to the point where I want to share them yet, mostly because I have limited time to playtest them. I am excited to learn more about game design and bounce ideas off of some of y’all!



I’m Zedeck. I write small fictions and TTRPG adventures. I wrote Lorn Song of the Bachelor, a small adventure about a white crocodile. And some other things.

I’ve got a blog:

Hello all.


Greetings! I’m Josh (yes, THAT Josh), and I’ve been designing homebrew TTRPGs and supplements since 2001, but I only started putting my work out there in 2021. To date I’ve published a deific role-playing supplement for The Resistance and a space horror hack of 24XX.

My current project is a gear supplement for 24XX (which is a very silly thing to do). I’m also on-and-off working on an RPG system specifically designed for Play-by-Post over at rpgcrossing.

I love new systems, weird systems, 4-sided and 8-sided dice, fringe TTRPG design, theory and nonsense.


Hi folks! I’m Sam, and on the internet I go by Skullboy. I illustrate for TTRPGs and you can find my work at Better Legends

It’s nice to be here!


Hi, I’m Dave! I’m a technologist by day, parent of three busy kids by night, and game designer in the roughly 60 minutes I have before I fall asleep after the kids are in bed.

I like to create games that favor heroism and teamwork, and which reward exploration and curiosity. You can find all my stuff at