Options for B/X Compatible Magic Systems?

By B/X compatible I just mean not so dependent on a particular system’s ruleset that it would be a significant undertaking to drop it into a typical OSR game.

I found this old post regarding Alternative Magic Systems, which has lots great options listed. There’s also glog’s dice pool which is one of my favorites (at least theoretically as I haven’t actually put it to use).

Anyone know of anything that has been put out in the the last several years that is either new or a novel take on an existing system (or just really obscure and to often discussed)?


Sorcery is a Sword Without a Hilt is a free sample from His Majesty the Worm

it requires adding a tarot deck to your table though

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just learned about Swyvers which also uses a deck of cards and from my understanding incorporates some form of Blackjack into the mechanic. Going to delve into it and your Wormy suggestion tomorrow. Thanks!

for a simple alternative you could consider Shadowdark’s roll to cast system or even DCC’s if you are feeling it!

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We experimented with one I wrote up here awhile back Alternative Spell Casting that utilizes one of my favorite things: The Turning Undead Table. It was pretty fun for the Players to have to contend with those gambles for more castings and being able to overcast a little bit right out of the gate :slight_smile: