Zine Quest + Zine Month

This thread is for dropping the ZQ and ZM links you’re excited about (including your own).



Liked the look of this one, recommended by Idle Cartulary in their excellent newsletter. Use irl books you have lying around to cast spells in the game


Speaking of Nova, she has a project launching next month as well. I really liked her last adventure, The Curse of Mizzling Grove, so I’m excited to read more about Sharky. She’s collaborating with a cool animator for the art, and it’s set in the same world as Mizzling Grove.

Another campaign I’m excited by is Quadra’s The Blades of Gixa: A Mega Dungeon. They made Warped Beyond Recognition, which is one of the more ambitious 3rd party Mothership modules. And while their design hacks and mini-systems have been exclusively for Mothership, they’re really good—which makes me think they’re going to have the same attention to detail and tastes for this even if it’s super artsy and Not-Mothership.

Edit: Confused Nirvana on Fire by D. Kenny with Warped Beyond Recognition. Both are really good.


Is that from their dungeon23 bit? Hell yea!


Prequel, tactical combat+collaborative worldbuilding game where you’re doomed to set the stage for future heroes


Solo Borg by The Soloist



Found the zine month website where things are being gathered

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Solarcrawl is finally happening beyond the quickstart test from some years ago, and this make me very happy.

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Every year I fumble on Quest/Month randomly. Maybe I can prepare myself this year. What are the dates?

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Now up on Kickstarter!

Zinequest newbie here so this is my first time properly and on time getting to witness all the stuff but:
How do you people go about finding stuff for zinequest?

  1. some have the hashtag, but other than that?
  2. how do you discern some “good” and interesting stuff? Do you go by known authors? Or is it just a hit and miss thing, what are good signposts on the campaign site? No-Go’s and good practice?

Sorry for overflowing with questions

So far interesting stuff I found:
-Isle of the Ancients
-Quest for Zines
-Selene Oscure

Use this website:

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Little correction: Nirvana on Fire was made by David Kenny, also the author of Dying Hard on Hardlight Station. Quadra made Warped Beyond Recognition, which is also rad af.

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Another find: Mill of the Twelve Dead

The map and layout look promising and a lot like OSE/Merry Mushmen/Brad’s Stuff which are my favourite at the moment.

And the whole print at cost thing trough Drivethru and Lulu makes it really accessible internationaly! :heart_eyes:

You are correct! I remember seeing and reading both of those at the same time and must have swapped authors.

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Hi folks, I’m really excited to announce that Beyond Corny Groń first Zine Quest project is coming soon to KS! Castle of the Veiled Queen will be an OSR adventure module based in Karpakian universe (easily adaptable to other settings), with EXCELLENT maps made by our trusted and talented collaborator Jacek Kuziemski! To follow the project, check the link, and if you want to help us make it real - please spread the word, for which I’ll be eternally grateful!


Several zinequest games listed off in the new Crowdfunding Carnival

Super late to the party here but we were working on getting all the editing, art, and layout done and didn’t get the crowdfunding page up until now :frowning:


This is actually a redesign of our first adventure for 5e, its got some pretty heavy OSR vibes to it though. I’d actually love to get some feedback on it or reviews so If you are interested at all email me: gabriel@watcherdm.com and I’ll shoot you a review copy.