Introduce Yourself!

Hey folks, I’m Jesse A. I’ve been lurking here more or less since it opened, figured it was time to introduce myself. I live in the DC suburbs, and run and play all kinds of games, mostly indie/NSR/OSR/storygame type stuff.


Hey peeps!
My name is Ricardo, I am a brazilian graphic and product designer who is also a RPG afficionado and of course an eternal game master. My interests are definitely on the OSR/NSR adjacent games, even though I am a massive wargamer as well — so I tend to like the combat with a little bit of crunch.

Nowadays I live in London, UK and I am making some of the stuff that I run with my group, public. I would love to use this group to meet more people and work in projects together — I do design for a living, so I can contribute a lot there.

Here are some of my stuff:


Hi there! I’m Yod. I’m a grad student in California. I’ve been playing RPG’s since the early 90s, starting with a mix of 2e stuff I didn’t understand, then moving into various World of Darkness games, before getting back into D&D with 3rd edition. I played with a crunch-heavy 3.x/PF table for about 10 years before life got in the way. More recently I’ve gotten back into TTRPG’s with online play during the pandemic, starting with 5e. I started reading various OSR blog posts and hanging out in discords like the Alexandrian and the Necropolis and now here I am.

I haven’t gotten around to publishing anything yet but I’ve started the early stages of a blog at, where I’ll be putting my thoughts on the 5e and OSE games I’m running.


Hello everyone, I’m Titus, a motion graphic designer who has been too busy for the last few years to play or keep up with RPGs so I’m looking forward to finding out about all the cool and crazy ways people are being creative nowadays!


This raises the question, what is the most Gormenghast RPG?


This raises the question, what is the most Gormenghast RPG?

Ooh, hmmm. Gut instinct? BLUEBEARD’S BRIDE

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Hey @TheBeardedBelgian, I am also from Belgium, although my beard is not as lush as yours! (My mother’s from Liège, and my dad’s British, but I’ve lived in the US for 15-ish years now)


OMG OMG OMG Gormenghast is my favorite book… I’ve sadly bought it for several folks who’ve never been able to get into it, so I’ve stopped telling people about it… :cry:

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Nice. I’m from the Flemish side. Mechelen to be exact.



I’m ktrey (author of the d4caltrops blog) and I really like random tables :slight_smile:


Your random tables are GOLD… :heart_eyes: I’m addicted to random tables and generators, just re-rolling and creating images in my head, for no reason…

Are you planning a printed book or PDF to collect them all?


Thank you for the kind words! I do hope to get the Encounter Activity tables in print (and a compilation PDF) at some point after I stop futzing with the layout :slight_smile: . I’d like to do one for my Hexes too once I get those up to one hundred by Terrain Type.

Hey I’m deldon! I’ve been on the discord for a while now but I never got around to making a Discourse account. I’m currently working on my ZQ3 project The Door Locks Behind You, a Zelda-like Adventure Game with roots in ItO, Mausritter, Cairn, Knave, and just about any other game on the NSR discord.


That sounds so good… Link to a dev-log?

Currently the dev-log is the backer only updates on the KS page. That’ll change this year as we move closer to release. The updates will still function as a dev-log but they’ll be public facing.


Hey everybody, new guy here.

In my mid-late thirties now, and RPGs have been part of my life since junior high. But only in the last few months been getting more deliberate about plugging into the indie RPG community.

Right now, my focus is on a minimalist rule set called Hexingtide, which is a love letter to monster heroes in the vein of Hellboy, World of Darkness, classic Universal Monsters, etc. Currently playtesting it.

Info about it is here on Itch:

I also blog in a very ad hoc way here:

Looking forward to learning and the conversations!


Hi everyone! I recognise a few names from Twitter, so I’m sure some of you will understand when I say that I’m excited to have somewhere else to discuss RPGs.

For those who don’t know me, I came back to RPGs in about 2015 and dived into OSR games, finally running the epic fantasy apocalypse I’d been thinking of since I was 15. Apparently the missing piece of the puzzle was Whitehack. Since then I’ve been running Star Wars, Troika, 13th Age 5e, Cthulhu Dark and probably a bunch of other things too.

I’m slowly working on an OSR Groundhog Day campaign, a Troika setting about robot appliance friends and a plan to turn Edinburgh into a series of points of light fantasy fantasy adventures. I’ve been writing all of these for years, I doubt I’ll ever finish any of them. I do blog about games occasionally at

I love fiddling with game mechanics and think that RPGs need better UX.



Just grinding it out in obscurity over here, slowly decomposing.


I’m Jake Eldritch, been here a while, never introduced myself, which is actually a pretty good insight into my personality. I have been playing and running all sorts of games since the early 80s and kind of love the little explosion of new ideas we are getting at the moment, warts and all.

I wrote Clown Helsing and Figment, two fun rock-paper-scissors games. Then Eldritch Gambit, an OSR-adjacent. Then METTLE Core, a weird die pool system that had been brewing for the longest time. Plus a bunch of smaller stuff. I’m a neuroscientist by day.

I like discussing games and such but find that twitter and many discords are super uptight about it. Hopefully, this board will continue to be relatively relaxed for a while at least.


Howdy y’all,
casual lurker on the Discord but decided to give being active here a shot.

I’ve written a few geek things – I’m the author behind Sigil & Shadow from Osprey Games. I’ve also written a few indie rpg frameworks, and a couple micro games (SHROOM GOONS and Gonzo Mutoid Wasteland Crustpunks).

I tend to collect and run games all over the lite-to-crunchtastic spectrum, but my happy place is where I call “rules necessary”. Ultimately I see every rulebook as a collection of tools to pilfer, and every bit of media a sourcebook.

Look forward to posting with y’all :slight_smile: